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MMA Receives Awards and Appointments to the MRF Board

Published on 10/24/2012

MMA Receives Awards and Appointments to the MRF Board 
23 October 2012

The Massachusetts Motorcycle Association (MMA) is pleased to announce that 2 of its members have been appointed to the Board of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF), the premier organization fighting for Motorcyclists’ Rights in Washington, DC. Additionally, the organization and one member received awards during the MRF’s recent annual legislative conference. 

Held Annually, the MRF “Meeting of the Minds” is the annual Legislative Conference addressing issues from around the country; it also sets the annual Legislative Agenda for the organization. For many years, the MMA has sent representation to this and the regional conferences as an opportunity to exchange ideas as well as learn about issues facing motorcyclists on a national level. Attended this year by MMA Chairman Dave Condon, Vice Chairman Doc D’Errico, Legislative Director Rick Gleason, Member Services Director Kevin Raiche, Merchandise Officer Laurie Horn, Sergeant-at-Arms Joe Komola, and Members Kelly Ferguson, Linda Bond, and Karlene Kiddy, the 3-day session was an opportunity to gather information on local issues concerning motorcyclists as well as national issues developing and being addressed by the MRF. 
During the conference was also a MRF Board Meeting, at which Dave Condon, MMA Chairman, was elected to the position of MRF Director of the State Representatives Program. Dave had served previously as assistant to the Director, Todd Riba, who after several successive terms did not run for reelection allowing him to focus on issues closer to home. 
During the State Representatives Meeting, Doc D’Errico, MMA Vice Chairman and MRF Massachusetts State Representative, was elected along with Lenny Holomb from Maryland to positions as MRF State Representatives Board Members
This represents rare air across the country in which a single State has multiple concurrently serving board members and is a strong reflection of the respect the MMA has earned demonstrating its leadership in the Motorcyclist Rights Movement. 
In addition to the Board Member elections, the MMA also received MRF Sustaining Motorcycle Rights Organization Appreciation Award. This award recognizes the MMA’s continuous support for the MRF and the efforts at a national level. 
Doc D’Errico also received individual recognition as the “Outstanding State Representative of the Year”. This award, named for Deb Butitta, honors the State Representative who espouses the leadership characteristics Deb represented during her tenure as a State Rep.


From Left to Right: Deb Butitta (MRF Ex-Officio), Todd Riba (outgoing Director State Reps Program),
Doc D'Errico (MRF MA State Representative), Dave Condon (MRF Director, State Reps Program)

The MMA is honored to recognize the accomplishments of the membership and is proud to announce that it will be hosting the 2013 Regional Conference, the MRF Beast of the East to be held in April 2013 in Chelmsford, MA. More information concerning the conference and benefits to MMA members will follow. 

The mission of the members of The Motorcycle Riders Foundation ( is to maintain and improve our ability to act as an advocate before national, state, and local legislative, executive, and judicial bodies and with private or public entities regarding issues affecting motorcycles, motorcyclists, or motorcycling. 

For additional information, please see or contact



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