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Congratulations to our MMA 2014 Achievement Awards Winners!

Published on 1/5/2015

On December 13, 2014, the Massachusetts Motorcycle Association held its annual Holiday Party and Awards Banquet. Record attendees were treated to a buffet dinner, rousing entertainment by local band and MMA Gold Card Sponsor XRB, the unveiling of the MMA’s 40th Anniversary plans, a commemorative 40th Anniversary Pin, and even a visit from the “Big Man” himself, Santa Claus!

Just before the music started, MMA Chairman Dave Condon kicked off the evening by unveiling the 40th Anniversary Logo and announcing the award winners for outstanding achievement in 2014. As in past years, outstanding achievement was recognized based on contribution by individuals or organizations on behalf of the riders of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Chairman Dave Condon Unveils the 40th Anniversary Logo 
MMA Chairman Dave Condon Unveils the 40th Anniversary Logo 

MMA 40th Anniversary Logo 
The MMA's 40th Anniversary Logo

2014 MMA Party Revelers
Members and Guests enjoy the music of XRB and the camaraderie of the MMA!
The Massachusetts Motorcycle Association currently has no active representation on the Board-of-Directors in District IV; that has not, however, stopped the membership in the District from continuing to establish a strong presence in the western part of the State. Alan Banning was awarded Outstanding Achievement by a MMA Member for consistently stepping up as a member of the MMA by volunteering for every event held in the district, sometimes even working entire weekend shifts at various shows and events. Alan aggressively sells MMA Harley-Davidson Bike Raffle Tickets and volunteers his time for the MMA’s Annual State Party, the Fall Roundup, in Heath MA, showing up days ahead to help with setup, working the event, and remaining long after others have left to assist in the cleanup of the fairgrounds! Alan’s efforts have been consistent year-after-year and this recognition was long overdue! 

Rick Strawn was awarded Outstanding Achievement by a MMA Officer. Rick has served as the MMA's Barnstable County Representative for almost 20 years prior to stepping down this past October. During that period, Rick kept the county very active and informed, attracting people from all over the Cape to his monthly meetings, resulting in an increase in membership in that area. Rick and "his crew" always volunteered to work at least one day for every show the MMA participated in with the raffle bike while in Boston. The MMA thanks him for his years of service and dedication to the organization and present him with this award as our small token of appreciation. 

Since joining the Board of Directors for the MMA Bill Cheetham has consistently shown his leadership in his position as our Safety and Education Director, for which he was awarded Outstanding Achievement by a MMA Board Member. Of note is his tireless efforts in researching and gathering information with regard to every motorcycle accident within Massachusetts. He compiles all this data by searching newspapers and other media outlets on a daily basis for reports of motorcycle accidents as the state does not track this information. He consistently advises the board as to the cause of all accidents and makes recommendations as to where our safety programs resources should be spent. 

The media can sometimes be our friend, and sometimes our enemy, but one media outlet that has remained a friend and always publishes anything the MMA sends out is the Boston News Group. For the 3rd year in a row, the MMA is happy to recognize Bill Tauro, Publisher, Boston News Group, with the MMA Media Award. Bill has also made very generous donations to our raffles for the Annual Christmas Party and Awards Banquet. 

John Haymond of Haymond Law was awarded Outstanding Achievement by a MMA Gold Card Sponsor. Since partnering with the MMA, John and his team have provided legal services, at a greatly reduced rate, to MMA members that have been involved in motorcycle accidents resulting in thousands of additional dollars in their pockets. John and his team have been available to our members on literally a 24 hour 7 days-per-week basis to provide instant legal advice. The MMA has even received some reports of the Haymond Law firm making themselves available during long weekend holidays. In addition to this, whenever John has been called upon to help the MMA out in the form of sponsorship of MMA events they have always stepped up and done so without question. 

After being involved in a motorcycle accident and contacting Haymond Law for help in settling his case, Larrie Knoll learned of the MMA’s mission and accomplishments. Of particular interest to him was our work involving the motorcycle only check points set up by the Sterling, MA police department as he was from the Town of Sterling. Upon receiving his settlement check from the insurance company he made a very sizeable contribution to the MMA. For his commitment to the MMA, Larrie was presented the MMA’s Special Recognition Award.  

The MMA Chairman’s Cup is given to someone who consistently goes above and beyond. While all our Board Members and Officers work hard, whenever there is an event or show requiring MMA presence, John Pecora never asks any questions beyond when and where. Serving as District I Manager for the past 3 years, and District I Representative before that, John has consistently demonstrated his leadership skills and attention to detail that has resulted in the efficient operation of District I. John has lead the way in improving participation and accountability during the show season in which he is personally responsible for no less than approximately 6 weekend events to which we bring the MMA raffle bike. John has the further responsibility of planning and execution of our annual Toy Ride, the oldest charitable motorcycle ride in the state, in which he accomplishes to the point of there never being a glitch in the ride or a problem in making the event run smoothly. John spends countless hours coordinating the events, movement of the MMA’s Raffle Bike between them, and always winds up working multiple shifts to assure a smooth operation. Although these thankless hours seem to be their own reward to John, he was awarded the MMA Chairman’s Cup as a small token of recognition 

Chuck Shaver, MMA Membership Number 780, has been a member of the MMA for over 30 years. He previously served as the District III Manager during the late 1980's and early 90’s, where he turned that District around from almost defunct to very active and involved. For the last 20 years, Chuck he has run the MMA's Annual Fall Round Up, getting there 4 days early for setup, and not leaving till the day after ensuring everything was cleaned up and returned to the condition in which we received the venue. He ensured that all the little things were done such as equipment for the bike games, tools needed, etc. For his commitment, dedication, and service to the Massachusetts Motorcycle Association and its membership, Chuck was awarded the MMA’s most prestigious honor, the MMA “Brian Clark” Lifetime Achievement Award.
2014 MMA Award Recipients 
MMA 2014 Award Recipients (left to right):
John Haymond, John Pecora, Alan Banning, Chuck Shaver, 
Dave Condon, Bill Tauro, Rick Strawn, Bill Cheetham
The Massachusetts Motorcycle Association would like to congratulate all the award winners. While we realize that not everyone can provide the same levels of commitment, an organization is only as strong as the commitment of ALL members, not just a few, and for that, we additionally thank all the MMA Board Members, Officers, and Members who continue to support us.
For more information, please see, or contact 

©2014-2015 Massachusetts Motorcycle Association
Photos courtesy Dexter Balyeat, Haymond Law Firm
MMA Harley-Davidson Bike Raffle Tickets are limited to 2500 tickets!
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