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MMA Information Alert: Reminder concerning “Move Over” Law…

As riding season now quickly approaches, the Massachusetts Motorcycle Association would like to remind its membership that a new law was signed into effect in December concerning slowing down and/or changing lanes when approaching emergency and roadwork vehicles on Massachusetts Roadways.  This new law formally takes effect this coming Sunday, March 22, 2009.


This new law, "Slow Down, Move Over," was signed by Governor Deval Patrick in December as part of an effort to better protect emergency responders and roadside workers. Every year, about 100 police officers, tow truck drivers, emergency personnel and state highway workers across the nation are killed by passing motorists, according to Arthur Kinsman, director of government affairs for AAA's southern New England region.


All motorists are now required to make a “complete” lane change when approaching emergency and/or maintenance personnel and vehicles.  In cases where traffic doesn’t allow for a driver to make a lane change, or in cases where it’s a single lane in each direction, vehicles are required to slow down.  Failure to comply will result in a fine of up to $100.


The MMA would like to inform its members to be aware of this law, as well as be increasingly alert to drivers who may suddenly slow down or change lanes in front of them because of an upcoming situation.  It’s especially important to be extremely sensitive to the effect of drivers who are caught unaware which may in turn cause a cascade of increasing brake pressure in front of you while riding.


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